Respect !!!

How to give and earn respect from now onwards in 2024???

Hello and Hi Friends. Hope you all are fantastic. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect doesn't have to come naturally – it is something you learn.

Respect is an expression of love. It conveys mutual love, trust and understanding between two persons and a group of persons. 

In order to earn respect, we have to give respect first irrespective of age, color, caste, religion and gender etc.

We can learn so many things from so many persons or from so many things in that we can give respect to them. One who wants to learn anything, can learn from an ant or from an elephant or from the movies or from the Ministers all around the world.

We can learn every minute things from everything in this world and give thanks to all of them in various ways.

If you want to have respect then you have to give respect to all the things and the people around you. 

Have you all watched the movie "Suryavansham", the way Mr. Amitabh Bachchan Sir has given respect to his father was amazing. From his journey of an ordinary man to the great business man, he has given all the credit of his success to his father. In relations also, we may feel sometimes that nobody loves us but in reality, our elders give blessings from their heart not from outside but from inside (their soul). They all want good for us.

Some tips from my side to all my friends :-

1) We should all treat elder people with more respect.

2) We should respect other people's cultures and values.

3) We should admire someone for something about the good ideas and qualities.

4) We should treat all the people like our best friends.

5) We should understand that everyone has their own experiences and beliefs.

6) We should think before speaking our language and tone.

7) We should listen to others and respect differences in beliefs and opinions.

8) We should avoid gossip and any conversations that may be considered discriminatory or bullying.

9) We should be kind and courteous.

10) We should be polite in everything we think and in everything we do. 

So, with this post, Cheers to the respectful life you have.... Have a fabulous day ahead....


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