
How to trust and how to gain trust from others in 2024???

Hello and Hi Friends....Hope you all are fantastic. We all understand what trust is and what the trust is all about. In our lives, in this era of Kalyuga, we face difficulties regarding trusting on the wrong people.

Its very wrong if anyone breaks our trust. Trust is like a glass, once its broken....its broken. But, from that incidents, we can be more attentive about the people to whom should we trust and to whom not to trust upon.

On this planet, we all are human beings, we are not all perfect and we all commit mistakes and in accordance to that, we can and we should rectify our mistakes.

We should not trust people blindly. But what can we do, in emotions, people always do this mistake. 

If the trust is broken between our loved ones, then it is our duty to avoid their mistakes for what they have done, because we love them and in every relationship, there are ups and downs but if our bond is strong like mountain, then we can trust them again.

But if the trust is broken by the new person or a stranger or an outsider whose intentions are not so pure, then we should make him or her realize what they have done and to whom they have done.

Have you all watched the movie, Scam 1992, What Harshad Mehta said was that, "The Most Expensive Thing In The World is Trust, Cheap People Can't Afford It."

Some tips from my side to all my new friends:- 

1) Always be a trustful person in your life and in others lives too.

2) Always appreciate the people around you so that you can trust them and they can trust you and your work.

3) Trust can be gained easily but its very hard to maintain it.

4) Always give your time to your relations, so that there is and there will be a mutual trust and understanding between you and your relations.

5) Always keep this in mind, if there is no trust, then there will be nothing.

6) Trust is required in all the phases of life, so you should have that idea to whom you should trust and to whom you don't have to.

Cheers to this meaningful life....Have a great day ahead....


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