Happiness Again...


How to be happy in life ????

How can we be happy in life ???? So, what is happiness ??? Happiness is something that people seek to find, yet what defines happiness can be different from one person to the other. Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, blessings, satisfaction, contentment and fulfillment. While it has many different definitions, it is often described as involving positive emotions, life satisfaction and much more.

More over simply positive mood, happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning and deep contentment.

What should we do to make ourselves happy???

These things or strategies we should do to make ourselves happy are as following :-

1) Smile :- Always have smile on your face.

2) Exercise :- Regular exercise makes you happy as it keeps you physically fit.

3) Spend time with loved ones :- Have some time for loved ones like your family and friends.

4) Take care of yourself :- Put yourself first. It is our foremost duty to take care of ourselves.

5) Be Grateful :- Be grateful for what you have and work hard for what you want to achieve.

6) Avoid Comparison :- Don’t compare yourself with others because every person has his own journey so there is no point in comparing yourself with others.

7) Find Your Passion :- Find your spark, find your kick and find your passion in which you want to grow.

8) Live in the present moment :- If you want to be happy for the whole life then start living in the present moment.

9) Perform an act of kindness :- Kind heart automatically makes you a happy person and that other person too.

10) Connect with nature :- It is very important to connect with nature.

11) Eat what you like :- Just love yourself, eat whatever you like but please look for your health too.

12) Grow your social relationships :- Man is a social animal so it is very important to nurture your social relationships.

13) Be positive :- Be positive in every aspect of your life because after some time, things will fall into their place.

14) Find happy thoughts :- Always find happy thoughts for yourself and for others too.

15) Give charity :- Always think to give to the needy people.

16) Explore your new experiences :- Always ready to explore nee experiences in your life.

17) Have enough sleep :- Have a beautiful sleep.

18) Start your morning with good and healthy breakfast :- Always start your morning with good and healthy breakfast so rest of the day will go great.

19) Put your limits on screen time :- Use your mobile phones, laptops and TV in a limit.

20) Eat fruits and vegetables :- Always eat fruits and vegetables

21) Listen to Music & Dance to favorite songs :- Pursue your hobbies like your career.

22) Shift your mindset :- Shift your mindset to the positivity

23) Simple Living & High Thinking :- Always live a life with simplicity and always think big.

24) Choose happy, do happy & be happy :- In life, whatever you want to do in life, always choose happy thoughts, do it with happy mind and be a happy person while doing your work and after doing every work. Convert your every action into happy action.

25) Find meaning & accept yourself :- Find your meaning and find passion for your life. Accept yourself for whatever you can do and whoever you are.

26) Create a positive visualization & set goals :- Always create a positive visualization in which you lead your life that you always wanted to live and set goals for that beautiful life.

27) Let go of Regrets :- Regrets that trigger you for what you did in the past. So, never repeat your mistakes, learn from them and learn fast from others.

28) Do something which you find impossible :- Just do something which scares you but in a positive way. Always turn your impossible into possible.

29) Start Living a Balanced Life :- Always maintain a personal life and a professional life gracefully.

30) Face Your Fears & Live in the moment :- Don’t be scared from your fears. Face them with courage and always have fun and live in the moment. After sometime, you will feel that the things which scare you are not that much big.

31) Experience the joy of Learning :- Always welcome new changes and get ready to know the new learnings of life.

32) Change your Beliefs & erase negativity :- Remove your old beliefs and erase negativity from your precious life.

33) Take stock of the good things :- Always have a stock of good memories that you have cherished.

34) Give yourself treats :- Give yourself treats like favorite snacks and clothes. Give love to yourself first.

35) Find your uniqueness :- Find your uniqueness in every work you do. Build your worth and build your identity.

36) Give Compliments :- Always ready to help others without expecting in return. So, always give compliments to the ones you know and to the ones you don’t know.

37) Breathe deeply :- Breathe deeply before you dive into every work you do.

38) Write a diary :- Always have a habit of writing a diary.

39) Explore Meditation & Consider Therapy :- Do meditation, connect yourself with the divine power. Addition, you can opt for therapy too.

40) Give back and let go of grudges :- Always be a giving person as it gives you the best feeling in the world. Don’t hold grudges for the other people who makes no sense to your peace of mind.

41) Take yourself out and plan a trip :- Take some breaks from your routine life. New places will give you joy and freshness in your life.

42) Take care of your body and mind :- In order to make others happy, always make sure to make yourself happy. So, please take care of your body, mind, heart and soul as well.

43) Choose your company wisely :- Always be in a good company. In this world, the best company is God. Believe him, trust him and let he do his justice with you.


What are the things that make you happy when you are alone???

1) Exploring new hobbies

2) Do gardening

3) Exploring new places

4) Spend time with people who makes you happy

5) Spend time with nature

6) Mental health recognition

7) A good support system 

What makes us unhappy

These are the things that make us unhappy :-

  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Body shaming
  • Negative Approach towards everything
  • Isolation
  • No personal days
  • Mental health avoidance / denial
  • Feeling unappreciated
  • Too much social media
  • Negative thoughts
  • Self-doubt and shame
  • Joy: It is a brief feeling that is felt in the present moment, not in the past and not for the future.
  • Excitement: It’s a happy feeling that involves looking forward to something with positive anticipation or positive approach.
  • Gratitude: It’s a positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and also giving nature.
  • Pride: It’s a feeling of satisfaction in something that you have accomplished or achieved after so much of hard work.
  • Optimism: It is a way of looking at life with a positive, upbeat and never giving up outlook.
  • Contentment: It is a type of happiness which involves a sense of satisfaction.

Signs of Happiness

These are the signs of happiness :-

1) Feeling like you are living the life you always wondered

2) Going with the flow and a willingness to take life as it comes in your way

3) Feeling that the conditions of your life are good and great

4) Enjoying positive, healthy relationships with other people

5) Feeling that you have accomplished (or will accomplish) what you want in life

6) Feeling satisfied with your life

7) Feeling positive more than negative

8) Being open to new ideas and experiences

9) Practicing self-care and treating yourself with kindness and compassion

10) Experiencing gratitude

11) Feeling that you are living life with a sense of meaning and purpose

12) Wanting to share your happiness and joy with others

Types of happiness

Some types of happiness that may fall under these main categories include:

1) Positive emotions increase satisfaction with life, with yourself and your surroundings.

2) Happiness helps people build stronger coping skills and emotional resources in a very well manner.

3) Positive emotions are linked to better health and longevity. One study found that people who experienced more positive emotions than negative ones were more likely to have survived over a 13 year period. It means you will survive more.

4) Positive feelings increase resilience. Resilience helps people better manage stress and bounce back better when faced with setbacks. For example, one study found that happier people tend to have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and that these benefits tend to persist over time. It helps in the best possible ways of life.

5) People who report having a positive state of well-being are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors such as eating fruits and vegetables and engaging in regular physical exercise. So, they will live a very great life.

6) Being happy may make help you get sick less often. Happier mental states are linked to increased immunity. And immunity is necessary as we have already faced the Corona period.

So, with this post….Have a happy day ahead……





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