Dealing with Toxic Friendship


Dealing with Toxic Friendship

When you think of a friend, your best friend comes to your mind first. When you are around them, you feel happy with them. But sometimes, friendship can be turned down as toxic friendship. There are several reasons happen in that friendship likewise it can be because of jealousy, intelligence, status and sometimes money.

“Toxic friendships happen when one person is being emotionally harmed or used by another, making the relationship more of a burden than support,” says Suzanne Degges-Author of Toxic Friendships. A bad friendship can increase your blood pressure, lower your immunity, and affect your mental health.

Reasons of Toxic Friendship :-

1) Competition :- Competition can be the reason in the toxic friendship. It can be seen in the ranks of friends. There are so many friends who believe in the competition. But they don’t know it can be a healthy competition.

2) Jealousy :- Jealousy can also be a reason in the toxic friendship. But, why people jealous of each other may be because of relationship issues and a lot more.

3) Intelligence :- If one friend is intelligent than other friend, then it creates a problem. Everyone wants intelligence so in order to be more intelligent, it affects their friendship.

4) Status :- Status means class or standard of a person in a society. So, it automatically affects a bond or friendship of two close friends.

5) Money :- Money is the biggest factor in the case of a broken friendship. Toxicity in the friendship can be caused by money.

Signs of Toxic Friendship

what are the signs of Toxic Friendship :-

1) Comparison :- This is the most common reason for breaking of a relationship. When one friend compares him with some other friends, then it is likely to create a problem between them.

2) Self centered :- Self centered is the strongest possibility in which a friendship can be broken. If one friend always focus on himself rather than both of them. Then this thing should be changed in their friendship.

3) Back biting :- Back biting, back bitching and gossiping about the other friend does not make sense when he is not there. It should be not done in the absence of the other friend.

4) Under estimation :- When one friend under estimates the qualities of one friend. It usually carries negative impact in the mind of a friend when the other friend puts you down emotionally, mentally and physically in front of a group or in private.

5) Makes you a Pessimistic Person :- If one friend is so selfish that he never takes care for the other friend and he only thinks of himself, then it is likely to make the other friend pessimistic. It destroys the friendship.

6) Leave you unsettled :- In most of the cases, people don’t leave the other friends unsettled. But, there are some friends who leave their friends unsettled and

7) Never apologize or if apologize without sincerity :- There are some people who never admit their mistakes which may lead to loss of relationship or friendship.

8) Makes other nervous :- Some toxic friends always ty to make the other friends nervous so that they cannot match the level of intelligence and cannot think big for themselves.

Effects of Toxic Friendship

What are the effects of Toxic Friendship ???

1) Feel Lonely :- It is the most disgusting feeling for a person who is left by their friends or he is feeling isolated. After some point of time, that friend realizes that feeling was worst at first but after sometime, he should accept that and try to move on in his life.

2) Anxiety and stress increases :- By breaking of a bond or a relationship, it leads to anxiety and stress. It always increases anxiety and stress between them.

3) Feeling of unsupportive nature :- In toxic friendship, one friend is often feeling unsupportive because of the other friends behavior.

4) Lowering of self confidence and self esteem :- If one friend is toxic then he tries to lower other friend’s self confidence and self esteem at his lowest point.

5) Blame Game :- In toxic friendship, one friend is so smart in manipulation that he manipulates the other friend and tries to blame the other friend for the mistakes done.

6) Other relationships suffer :- Because of toxic friendship, other relationships suffer. Its because of the stress which is there in one friends mind automatically affects the relationships with other friend’s family and relatives. 

Its time to move on…..

So, What's next……Its time to move on from things that didn’t support you or takes away peace from you and from your life. Its better to spend some time with yourself and with your family. Sometimes its better to leave the tings in a beautiful manner when time is not in your favor.

                                         Tips For Toxic Friendship

What are the tips for Toxic Friendship???

1) Take space for yourself :- Its always better to get some time for yourself and do what makes you happy and makes you a happy person in your family, friends, and relatives in the society.

2) Set boundaries :- Always make some boundaries who deserves your love, friendship and attention. Just not be available for the persons who only deserves your silence.

3) Practice ahead of time :- Always practice meditation, so you can feel more relaxed and live a happy and a positive life.

4) Be direct :- Always be direct in telling your opinion to the people, to your friends in a positive and a kind way.

5) Try to be in contact with them :- If you genuinely want to have that friend in your life again then try to be in contact them. If you cannot call them, then try to talk to them on messages.

6) Try to share it with somebody you trust :- Always try to share your feelings with someone you can trust. It can be from your family, your other friends or may be from your colleagues.

7) Necessary care for yourself :- It is very much important for all of us to take care of ourselves because we are very much important for our friends, our family and for our well wishers.

So, with this post….. Stay connected and stay grounded……..





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